PHONE NUMBER: 2060001212

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,557 searches and 17 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 12 Users marked it as Harassing, and 5 Users marked it as Dangerous

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), bank (2 times), Visa (1 time), mastercard (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

This number called me 3x today, when i answered ,he said f*** you in his india accent..well sir, f*** you too!

I have had the same issue twice this week from this number. Just last week I listed a condo I have for rent on TripAdvisor, (Trip Advisor's) call center is remote with people from India or Pakistan (all have strong accents).

Yet another scam phone call from someone pretending to be the government. Anyone who thinks this is real is crazy.

Someone from this number tried to call me a number of times this week. Today, I answered. He said (sounded like from India) he was from the US Federal government Grant Department offering me a $9000 grant because I: paid my bills on time, had no backruptcy and no criminal record. He said this was the ARRA-American Recovery & Reinvestment Act grant. He gave me a approval id and supervisor # where I was supposed to call. He then went on to ask my age but I just hung up :)

Called 4 times today alone. Last one sounded like a woman. I just picked it up and waited for them to hang up, gonna just block the number.

Got some india guy said he was from dept of treasury.. Number looked funny so i kept saying hello first he called me a jerk then f***king white american trash..

Some Pakistani said I was entitled to grant $ from "the government" I said "which government" he said "f*** you, f*** you, f*** you!" It was awesome.

Just say you can't hear him, "what, what, can't hear you"...he'll hang up.

The kept calling for the past two years! It's annoying as... I wished the police could catch them !

got call from 206-000-1212 stating i was good with my payments and did not file bankruptcy, I'm selected for $9k.. i told him not call or i will go to the cops, the person started abusing in Hindi, he sounded like a Punjabi guy, a northern state from India..

They called me and weren't speaking English and I hung up. They called me like 4 times after. So I blocked there number now they are calling me on no caller ID number.

I get calls from 206-000-1212 all the time 3 to 4 a day and. I am getting sick of them calling, They called less then 3 min ago. Talking about a government grant I and how I qualify. Because I pay all my bills and I haven't filed for bankruptcy. And that have good credit and blah blah blah and so on and so forth. And then the guy tells me he has a phone number that he is going to give me so I can call them and get the money and I don't have too pay any of it back it's all a huge scam.

What?!! $9000?! They only offered me $5000 if I promised not to spend it on alcohol or gambling. I could collect it via a credit to my Visa or Mastercard, accept direct deposit to my checking account, or go to Western Union. I don't want to stand in line at Kroger, so I chose direct deposit and was given a call back number and a money confirmation ID number. The call back number is too-zayro-sees, ay too too tree, tree tree tree sees. Got that?

I got 3 hang up calls from this number today. Same thing yesterday. I wish I knew who this was so I could turn them in to their police. Nothing aggravates me more than hang up calls. I am blocking this number and hope they don't have another to continue to annoy me.

Caller said they were from the federal state government and they were giving me 9,000 cash as long as I promised not to spend it poorly. I have to go to a western union and they will wire transfer the cash into my account. When I laughed he got mad and told me he was going to f@&$ me in front of my mother. This is out of control

I too experience this. DO not answer anymore! REJECT the caller from this number immediately!

Received three calls from this number. Each time they hung up. My number is on the do not call list. I wonder how do they get all of our phone numbers if we are on the list not to call? It is very annoying and unprofessional.


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