PHONE NUMBER: 2028641235

(202) 864-1235 is a landline number operated by LOCAL ACCESS LLC - DC located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,962 searches and 20 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (14 times), scam (4 times), fraud (2 times), recorded message (2 times), internal revenue service (1 time), bank (1 time), bank account (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

202-864-2211 claim to be IRS & threatened legal action.

Got recorded message telling me that the IRS is going to prosecute me for fraud and that I need to call 509-262-6015 or I'm in trouble. The caller is the fraudster in this case. I'm surprised that searching the number did not bring up any reports from other folks like myself. Maybe they own the number for just a few hours to keep from being reported and from being caught.

Message said this is the internal revenue services trying to reach you they are filing suit against you

What a crock of [***]... Some middle eastern guy calls, says he is IRS... Criminal Investigation.. That I better call back.. or els... These fraud people call with diffrent numbers.. Now they put a machine on.. BEWARE PEOPLE

Got a call this morning on my voicemail. Computer voice saying the IRS is going to sue me. The IRS will not call if they're going to sue. All correspondence with them is through mail. IT IS A SCAM! I ignored the call.

Same as above, IRS, lawsuit. Horrible scam.

Said they were IRS, demanded info. Threats to attach bank accounts and assets.

It's getting annoying - how do we block these calls? I'm tired of listening to the recorded voicemail message.

same as above. vm saying IRS was "filing a lawsuit against me."

same as above. vm saying IRS was "filing a lawsuit against me."

Recorded message saying that the IRS was "filing a lawsuit against you" and to call this number, which was the same as the Called ID number: 202-864-1234. I have received two other voicemails with similar but different numbers. I have not called them back, as I was sure that it is a scam.

Person called saying I owed back taxes from 2012, and was yelling and threatening on the phone saying that if I didn't pay, that they would seize my accounts. I called the number back and they said they were with the US treasury department, Dan Brown, and then hung up the phone.

same as above..........i called back and ask him for his ID# , he refused, he said that first i have to give him my SS# i told him that i will call IRS and hung up on him.

same as aove

I was called by a NY number (I used to live in NYC), and a female voice left a recording about a "final notice" and an IRS lawsuit. I was instructed to call 202-864-1235. I spoke with Mike Wilson (Batch # 00190143), who was very threatning. He insisted that a letter was sent, and it wasn't his fault I wasn't present to recieve it. I insisted that a certified letter recipt would be left if I wasn't home, and he said he wasn't interested in talking. If I couldn't pay $2973, I would be arrested. The IRS Marshals were already on their way with a warant. I got scared, and said I would pay. Mike transfered me to Peter Wilson, who insisted I pay the full ammount or fight a court battle from federal prison. I said I could pay $100, and he insisted on $1000, then $500, and finally my inital $100 was good enough, if I established a payment plan. While on hold, I looked up the number, and found many accounts of similar situations from nearly identical numbers. Many of the callers appear to use the same last name "Wilson." At that point, I hung up and called the actual IRS. As per usual, I am on hold with them (30-60 minutes). While on hold, Peter Wilson called back 4 times. When I answered, I told him I was on the other line with the IRS, and he hung up. I have not recieved a call back. I asked Mike and Peter to look up information regarding a notice I am paying on for the IRS, and they declided. Mike said he wasn't intersted in other cases, and Peter said if I was interested in litigation, he couldn't help me. Both men were in a hurry to bully me into payment. THIS IS A SCARY SCAM!

Same as above. Also, the recording sounded scratchy (it was cutting in and out).

I got a phone call stating that my husband was being sued by someone. It was supposed to be a call from the IRS.

Supposedly IRS calling saying final attempt to reach as I am being sued. This is the call back number. The original caller ID number is 934-564-3641

same as above...

202-864-1234 Supposedly the IRS, recording saying Final Attempt to notify me the IRS is planning to sue me.


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