PHONE NUMBER: 2028469041

(202) 846-9041 is a landline number operated by WEST TELECOM SERVICES located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,018 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: fraud (6 times), IRS (6 times), scam (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Screw these people! This is a scam!.....Get a real freaking job!

Got this fall today which left a message stating we need to call it because we are going to be sued for tax fraud. We have a business and I know that the IRS always contacts you by mail, not a phone call. Why does this phone number continue to be used. Would hope the IRS would shut it down.

Tax fraud warnings fake I wish gov would do something about them....

I got a call from this number this morning. Same thing. Telling me I must call back because I may be arrested if I don't. I assumed it's probably a scam too.

Same thing. Computerized call from "Steve Parker" about IRS tax fraud. If I don't call 202-846-9041, then I will be arrested.

Received VM from "Officer Steve Parker" claiming IRS tax fraud and to immediately call 202-846-9041

Just received a call from this number. The recording mentioned tax fraud & before I get arrested I need to call. This is from scumbags trying to steal your money. The IRS would not notify you about this by phone.

Same as above - not a call from IRS just someone trying to get money from you.

recorded call , caller ID shows wshngtnzn1 dc , 202-846 9041 Message, this is a message from the IRS , there is a tax fraud against you, you need to call this number immediately....


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