PHONE NUMBER: 2026847414

(202) 684-7414 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,041 searches and 11 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (7 times), IRS (2 times), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Same as above ("issue at hand, criminal issue, attorney needs to call..."), they have called daily for the last almost 2 weeks! The message says the number very quickly so you can't understand it, but it was on caller ID...

Computer generated voice claiming, "there was an issue at hand" and I needed to "return their call". If they didn't hear from "my attorney" all they could do was wish me luck. definitely a scam. Had another from Massachusetts last month

robo call scam

Please report 202-684-7414 (and any similar calls) to the IRS Fraud department; these folks DO get apprehended and sent to jail for a long, long time. https://www . treasury . gov/tigta/contact_report. shtml Individuals arrested & indicted for IRS fraud scam: Three of Five Individuals Arrested for Fraud in IRS Phone Scam Indicted https://www . treasury . gov/tigta/oi_highlights. shtml#111

Also told that if I didn't call back with my attorney then I would be in trouble. Definitely a scam!

Told if I didn't call back with my attorney then I would be in trouble. Scam!

Told me if I did not call back I am in trouble. 202-684-7414 I am getting tired of getting these scam calls.

robo harassing call-in trouble and need attorney

harsh message saying Im in trouble and to call back

harassing messages that im in trouble and to get an atty.

Robo call - IRS scam!


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