PHONE NUMBER: 2024567856

(202) 456-7856 is a landline number operated by VERIZON WASHINGTON located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,157 searches and 10 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (5 times), bank (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

This number keeps calling me. When I say hello no one answers. I'm sick of this.

I was stuck in traffic when the call came in...just unloaded all my frustration on the caller !!! Snap...he disconnected in 15 ~20 secs

Government grant SCAM. Exactly the same as reviewer from 5/19/16... except I came here before calling the 2nd #. Seemed too good to be true. So, of course it is!

they're transferring the money onto my bank card lets see how it goes...

Government grant scam

Called and said there a grant for money which I need to pay for first. Seems like a scam when I asked who they were they hung up

Got the call 3 times and caller didn't say anything, maybe its because I answered in my thug voice. I put the block on the numbers.

Scam, hacked number calling from Egypt. Clams you have a $9000.00 grant

Lady with the Chinese accent told me that my name and my phone number were randomly selected and because I'm paying everything on time i will receive $9000.00 money from the u.s treasury department. Then she verified my first and last name, cell phone number, city, state, zip code (she was telling info), and asked my age. Then she gave me contact number 202 495 1371 where i supposed to call and say my conf.number IM 325 and "i won one-time loyalty money gram". She called me back after 15 min to verify if i called to the other lady:) I went further, I've called. The lady said a lot of other "important" staff and when she got to the sentence "you will need to pay totally refundable sum of $270" in order to get a $9000.00 i said "oh, i got you scammers, bye". MY SUGGESTION TO OTHERS - IGNORE BOTH NUMBERS.

This number just called me and I asked the lady how she got my number and instead of answering my question she hung up one. If you can't answer my question don't fu*$en call me.


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