PHONE NUMBER: 2024555947

(202) 455-5947 is a landline number operated by DSLNET COMMUNICATIONS VA located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 459 searches and 11 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Received calls 2 days in a row about winning a federal grant, second time we started a yelling match on the phone. I called him a thief and he started talking about my mom. Told him the best part of him ran down his mothers legs. Then I hung up. He tried calling back, I blocked the number, now he is trying to harass me from a private number.

Got a call from this number, guy said F U and hung up

In a stern voice I asked who was calling and the woman said F U and hung up

These guys called me a few years back and I recently unlocked my email and I started getting calls again. I went along with this guy and told him I had already received my money and he continued to talk to me then proceeded to ask me about masturbation. I tried reporting it to but was unable to so I just blocked it.

Same Federal Grant scam.

I received phone call from this number 202-455-5947 . Scam be care full they are offering some federal money that your be selected

Received blank calls from this number then anonymous scam calls that claimed that I had won some federal grant money.

A guy called me multiple times, after I've told him politely to stop calling me. Kept saying he was going to marry me. Very annoying.

Left no message. If you call the number back you get a message saying the voicemail has not been set up yet.

Lady called, I could here people in the background when she said hello, I asked why she was calling and she said "f#ck you" then I hung up.

This rude woman calls and asks for my son but won't tell me who or why she's calling. When I call the number back, the call won't go through. Very suspicious call.


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