PHONE NUMBER: 2024444444

(202) 444-4444 is a landline number operated by PAETEC COMMUNICATIONS located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,836 searches and 17 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!


I got called me from 202-444-4444 then said there from a company and I might be were I could get a grant couldn't call them back

keeps calling but leaves no voicemail. 4 times today so far!

The number +20 2 7983645 has called me twice today. If you get a call from a similar number, do not answer or call back. It is a scam and you will get charged for the call. Anytime a phone number begins with a "+," it is an international call. This particular number begins with the country code of 20, which is Egypt. The next number, 2, is the city code for Cairo. The rest of the numbers are the local phone number. DO NOT ANSWER OR CALL BACK!!!!!

A caller with an accent told me that my name and phone number had been picked at random to receive a grant of $9000.00 from the federal government. I yelled Bulls*** and told him to stop calling me. I have been getting alot of these calls lately but the first time from this number.

foreign guy talked too fast for me to know what he said. But he did know my name. Sure sounded like a scam to me.

Has called my phone number 4 times today at these times: 10:44a, 12:16p; 12:44p; 1:52p. Doesn't leave a message. After reading this, I am positive its a scam. No rhyme or reason to call times, no message, and on a Saturday calling....

I keep receiving calls from 2 numbers. Speaker claims that I am getting a grant from the government for $9000 and that I must call a certain num within 1 hr. This is apparently a scam! Hopefully people do not fall for this! Our government does not work like that. other numbers are 212-223-3333

I have been receiving phone calls from this number and it comes up as Georgetown Hospital and they are claiming I am to receive $8000 and I don't have to pay it back.I asked them to take me off their calling list as they call me every single day. She said How do you know we call you every day. I said because your number comes up every day. She said what do they say. I said I don't know I never answer this call. She said then how do you know its us. I said what do you want lady. Take me off your list. She said I can't do that it will cost you $8,000 to take you off the list. I said Ok I will just not answer these calls. Stop calling. She said you will pay $8,000 you will see if you do not answer our calls anymore. I told her my husband is a police officer and I know she's full of s***. She said put him on the phone and you will see this is real. You will pay. I said stop calling here and hung up. How do we get these people to stop calling.

Left no message - had phone on silent...which is a good thing or they would have woke me up. Never got this phone call number before.

I have been receiving phone calls from this number it comes up as Georgetown Hospital and they are claiming I am to receive $9000. for free and never have to pay it back. I hung up on the guy and he just isn't getting it to stop calling me. Don't know what else to do.

These people have been calling me for over 3 weeks now. I have had enough of this and really would like for this to stop. I really want this to stop because my phone is used for business as well.

I'm about to freak the f*** out if they call me again.

The caller id was Georgetown Hospital. I did not answer and tried to call number back. Number was out of service.

Came up as Georgetown Hospital on the caller ID - is a grant scam

This is a scam for grants

Called me three times in less than an hour. The second time they called it came up at +20 2 444 4444 and said it was an Egyptian number. The other two times it said DC. Tried to call back and the line was busy.


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