PHONE NUMBER: 2024344853

(202) 434-4853 is a landline number operated by VERIZON WASHINGTON located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 810 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (1 time), bank (1 time), bank account (1 time)


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Last checked:


The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Calls all day and all night. Gets annoying.

I don't know keep calling but won't say anything when I answer.

I have received several different calls from this number always an electric voice message and I've been receiving other phone numbers and they are all scams

US grants if $7,000 not to be paid back. Wanted me to send money via Western Union, or by bank account number. When i refused they hung up.

It's a robot looking for people to answer their phone. That will be recorded and will solidify that the phone number is attached to a real person not a fax machine etc.

called 3 times today, doesn't leave a message and when I call back no one answers, goes straight to vm and can't leave a message.

same here at my job they already call 6 times and i do answer but they dont say nothing .....

Called 3 times so far today. The one time I did answer, long silence, then disconnected.

Keep calling but won't say anything when I answer.


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