PHONE NUMBER: 2021411514

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,404 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 6 Users marked it as Dangerous, and 1 User marked it as Harassing

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), microsoft (1 time), IRS (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Man with a heavy Middle East / India accent called at 10pm Pacific stated he was with Microsoft and that I downloaded a malicious virus on my computer. He wanted to help me get rid of it so he asked me to be in front of my computer. I asked if he knew what time it was. He said I know it's 10 pm, but this is an important call. I told him I don't have a computer and this is a BS call. He said really and hung up. A scam call!

More valuable info on scam phone calls: 3) NEVER ANSWER A CALL FROM A NUMBER YOU DO NOT RECOGNIZE. Let it go to Voice Mail, or your answering device. If they don't leave a message, it could not have been that important. 4) NEVER, EVER CALL THE NUMBER BACK, UNLESS YOU HAVE VERIFIED THAT IT IS A NUMBER YOU RECOGNIZE AND TRUST. If you call them back, you have just verified for them that you are a "live mark." 5) ASSUME THAT IT IS A SCAMMER TRYING TO REMOVE THE CONTENTS OF YOUR WALLET, because they usually are. AND, 6) IF YOU DO ANSWER THE PHONE WITHOUT REALIZING IT IS FROM SOMEONE YOU DON'T KNOW, MAKE UP A NAME THAT WILL SCARE THE s*** OUT OF THEM, LIKE "FED-UP INVESTIGATION AGENCY." IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM...

SCAMMERS! They called once, and did NOT leave a message. Whoever it is, they are not safe. 1) the number is cloned, and that is NEVER good. How do I know? The Washington D.C. area code. No Federal Government Agency will call you, not the IRS, or anyone else, to tell you that you owe money, are under arrest, or for any other reason unless the call is prearranged with your knowledge. 2) I noticed that whenever I get calls from D.C. #s that I don't recognize, and they don't leave messages, they end up being qualified as scams. I will leave more info in the next post.

Just silence on the other end. Called very late. Called 3 times. Don't even answer it.

Scam regarding your computer. Heavy accent and always call after 9 pm. Told him to stop calling and take me off his list or else I was going to report him and hung up on him. Caller ID said "name not found."

Called the office over the weekend and didn't leave a message. Caller ID just said "Name Unavailable." Now I know if they call back, we will not take the phone call.

Answered the phone and a woman with an Indonesian accent said my computer has told her that it has viruses and if it on she can help me get rid of them. She wanted to get access to my computer.


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