PHONE NUMBER: 2012851811

(201) 285-1811 is a landline number operated by CTC COMMUNICATIONS CORP. located near Jersey City, New Jersey.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,194 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!


Multiple calls from this number. I never answer and they never leave a message. If your call is legit then leave me a message stating who you are looking for, who you are and what you want? If not stop calling.

Got a call from 201-285-1811. A guy, without giving his name, says that they are selling guns & ****s and says, "choose your favorite one". Scumbags!!! How come FBI/CIA/NSA is not investigating this number and the person behind it?

+1 201-285-1811 Didn't answer to this number. When I tried to call back it said something about pressing 9 to be removed from the call list. I'm not sure who this is but clearly it is a scam of somega sort since no company name is provided. Beware all

called my cell, i answered, didn't say anything and hung up

Called cell. Didn't answer. Left no message.

something about my electric bill and how i qualified for somethng. i honestly dont know but its something you should not pick up. i thought it was someone from my job trying to call me in for night shift but i was wrong lmfao

No message left

Called me too. Didn't answer didn't leave a msg

hvae called many times, no message, added to my reject list...

called cell, didn't leave a message. Don't know how they got my #. So annoying!!!

called cell, no msg left, added to reject list.


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