PHONE NUMBER: 6072235233

(607) 223-5233 is a landline number operated by TC SYSTEMS located near Binghamton, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 4,653 searches and 21 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (9 times), fraud (1 time), spam (1 time), microsoft (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Got call no message. Called back and it rings an international number. Hung up before call completed. Number is now blocked. SCAM

Rude man stated there was a problem with the security on my computer. I said this is a scam. He called me names. Sad that he is so bad at scamming that anyone can instantly tell this is a scam.

scammer, called to "fix" my ms windows computer. Thing is, I use a Mac. :-)

Scammers looking to have you download some malware on your computer. I pretended like I was doing it for a good 10 minutes. Messed with them for a good 10 min before I told the guy to eff off. First guy could barely speak English. When I pretended like I was going to move forward, they gave me to a guy who spoke much more clearly and with less of an accent.

Some Indian guy said that my windows computer was not updating properly and then asked for my computer access code. Definitely a scammer.

Computer scammer

tried to access my computer. Scammer

Called my old phone number that I don't even have connected to anything, didn't leave a message. That number is on the DO NOT CALL list. DANGEROUS!

Has called me several times over the past three days even though I requested to be taken off call list.

Has called multiple times, annoyingly so. I've told them multiple times to stop calling. This time told them thru were a fraud & pass going to report their phone number. Same man with Indian accent & terrible phone connection said we are not fraud, why would I keep calling back? I hung up again.

Windows not updating SCAM Tell them you're watching porn. Describe it. Ask them what kind of porn they like to watch. Ask if this could be slowing down your life force.... So many ways to mess with these idiots! XD


I didn't say anything for 4 seconds... I neard a robo lady reply with "Goodbye." I hung up... I hope they don't call again.

Called me twice after I hung up the first time. Something about a Windows scammer. Potentially dangerous.

Called my cell saying it was an emergency about 'the computer'. Had an Indian or Pakistani type accent. Told them to go to hell and hung up.

Said my computer has not been updating. Honestly stated that I don't own a computer and he hung up. Voice echo and lots of noise. Not legit!

Wanted access to our computer. Denied being a telemarketer and said it was for a software check. scumbags.

Just received this call. Second call in 3 days from a "Microsoft Windows representative". He wanted access to my computer. This is a dangerous number.

Wanted me to get on my computer to do a windows 10 fix, says I'm off line and if I don't its my headache. Hung up. Pretty aggressive

Didn't answer, no msg.


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