PHONE NUMBER: 03432223331

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 5,736 searches and 106 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 6 Users marked it as Dangerous

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Received email for fixed penalty notice and asking to pay £25.00, no time or location of incident is mentioned

I have now been sent 2 emails in the last 4 days saying that i owe £25 for a traffic offence , this is a scam please do not pay

Got the same msg .but no location just united kingdom, scam

We received the same email today , no named place, time or further information, suspected it to be a scam ? Only had 2days to pay instead of the usual 14 days . We’re not paying as there no appeal system and don’t believe this is true . Scam scam scam

I was sent an email purporting to come from HM Courts, wanting £25 for an unspecified driving offence. My name did not appear on the charge, nor did my car details or where the offence was supposed to have taken place. The fine is supposed to rise to £100 if not paid quickly.

Fixed penalty notice from HM Courts & Tribunal Service for £25 for using a vehicle in a charging area based on a email from accounts @inferarchitecture#####, the phone number is unavailable and www. inferachitectrure##### doesn't seem to exist. All correspondence with HM Courts would have a prefix - suspected scam, please be aware.


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