PHONE NUMBER: 8442052138

844-205-2138 is a toll-free number that isn't located in any specific city or region.

You can dial this number without incurring any charges.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 17,916 searches and 54 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 11 Users marked it as Harassing, and 3 Users marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: debt (4 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Received a call from this number and they claimed they were from Monarch Recovery. They asked for someone with my last name that I did not know. I told them that they have the wrong number but they act like they don't believe me and continue to call.

Call at all times of the day, but does not leave voice mail. Does not aster the phone if I pick up. Started calling last much, and is becoming increasingly frequent. These are the people that should be reported to the Better Business Bureau for calling long past allowed soliciting hours.

Unknown, never answer but calls multiple times a week

I received a call and she left a message saying her name was Robin Summers and she asked to speak to Ellie Case. No idea who either of them are. My daughter signed up for a Google number 2 years ago and now all of a sudden in the last month there have been at least 2 sales or collection calls a day for various people to the number. Thanks Google ! sigh

I have been receiving calls from this number every day for months. I have asked them to quit calling my cell phone multiple times. I will not give them my name or social security number as I have no idea who they are. I had enough and researched ideas on what to do to get them to quit calling me. I Just called them back and told them that I was recording this call for my lawyer (which I did record) and that according to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act that I could be entitled to up to $1500 per phone call and that i would like them to quit calling me. Was transferred to management and told the manager the same thing. They told me that they are taking my number off of there system and that I would be on the company wide do not call list. Lets hope that this solves the problem.

844-205-2138 calls every day 3 to 4 x then calls right back with this # 410 246 1597, or calls with 410# then the 844 #. When I call the 410 # their is a recording say that this is not a valid #.

Automated voice calls me every day however we have no overdue debt. Haven't called back, unsure best course of action

monarch recovery management debt collector .. its a recording asking to call back. Never do!

they call at least 3 times a day I never answer

They call me I don't owe anything.

this is a debt collection agency Monarch Recovery

Unknown, but hv received calls from this # before

This number called my 11 year old daughter. When I answered her phone, they said, "Wow." Then they hung up. Very odd.

Monarch recovery management. They are being sued for unscrupulous debt collection practices. The call me EVERY morning!!


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