PHONE NUMBER: 5802336186

(580) 233-6186 is a landline number operated by SOUTHWESTERN BELL located near Lawton, Oklahoma.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,244 searches and 55 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), microsoft (3 times), support (2 times), internet (1 time), tech support (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I asked them to hold while i turn on my computer...then i asked them if they were recording...he said yes...i said good...i have the FBI on the line with us please tell me why you are are calling....He hung i have added their number to my blocked list on my phone.

Just got a call on my cell from this Indian dude, claiming my internet has been block and he needed access to my computer. I told him to just hang up because he is a scam.

This is a PC Support scam! They convince you that they are genuine by confirming a code on your computer, which is the same on all computers but looks unique, and then try to get you to download a program that gives them access to your computer. Beware!

said my computer has a virus

The display said "Enid, OK." After a delay, a woman with an Indian accent said "I am with GC (or PC, her accent was terrible) Solutions. I am calling about your computer." I just said "Don't call me again, dumb@$$," and hung up.

This number keeps calling my phone and my husbands phone,annoying,really!

I pretended to yell to my spouse asking if welfare will cover this? They hung up.

Received a call from this number with a 011 in front. Claimed to be tech support for computer.

Same thing i keep getting calls saying my computer has a trojan virus and they want access to my computer .i dont trust them and i wont allow there access to my computer they claim to be from microsoft

Got a several calls per day.When i answered i can hear nothing -.-.Scam!.Now blocked

claims to be from Microsoft about a virus my computer is sending out from my computer email and wants access to my computer

Got this call from an Indian guy saying they are from Microsoft Geeksquad. He said I have a virus/trojan on my computer and if log into the website he will show me. I said no thanks, I have an IT department that can handle it.

Scammer do not accept calls from this number!!!He wanted access to my computer!

Identified himself as a "Computer Technician". I asked the gentleman if he was calling to tell me I had a computer virus that he needed to look into, he hung up.

Wanted access to my computer


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