PHONE NUMBER: 9725972781

(972) 597-2781 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Dallas, Texas.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 1,111 searches and 41 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times), debt (2 times), fraud (2 times), spam (2 times), tech support (1 time), support (1 time), recorded message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Trying to get into my home, and get personel information from me

Just called and did not leave message. I do not answer numbers I do not know on my cellphone.

When I picked up the phone and said hello I could hear sounds like an office or call centre but then the call cut off.

They hang up on me when I say I am on the do not call list.

Says that we are about to be disconnected and for uninterrupted service please press 1...

Called, did not leave a message on voicemail. Blocked now!

How many numbers can one company have? I have been blocking them for weeks only to have them call from a different mobile

Number keeps calling but has never left a message, so I would say they don't know me or they'd ask me to call back and give some context or follow up with an email.

Yesterday this number called me 4 times, twice already today! I don't pick up

no idea who these people are some debt collector I have no idea why they would be ringing me

This number is being used by fake tech support scammers

If you call the number back, you receive a recording stating, We're sorry your number cannot be completed as dialed.

when I call back the message is that it is not connected. scam or fraud

I answered the call and said hello. An automated voice said goodbye! I tried calling the number but it cuts off immediately.

How many numbers can one company have? I have been blocking them for weeks only to have them call from a different mobile

Called me and hung up immediately.Spam!

Voicemail was left, recorded message regarding debt advise.

Rang and didn't leave a message. I have asked them previously to not phone me again but they keep calling me.

When answered they put the phone down without speaking! Spam

when I call back the message is that it is not connected. scam or fraud


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