PHONE NUMBER: 9490090301

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,776 searches and 25 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 3 Users marked it as Dangerous, 1 User marked it as Harassing, and 1 User marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times), microsoft (2 times), automated message (2 times), support (1 time), robocall (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Same experience as all of the above. I NEVER answer a phone number which I do not recognize or one designated as "unknown caller." Would like to add it to my blocked calls, however the list is full to capacity.

I had an actual person call me, he claimed to be from Microsoft technical support. He was very good at trying to convince me that I had a computer problem and even showed that I had a worm called KOOBFACE. When he asked for money to fix the issue I hung up immediately. I later spoke to my virus protection company and they said this is a scam, which I figured it was. They checked my computer to make sure that nothing had been done to infect it. Anyway if someone calls you and claims they are from Microsoft hang up immediately.

Automated message said my computer was having serious problems (it's not) and to speak immediately with a Microsoft engineer I should Press 1 (I didn't). Scam--Microsoft does NOT call unless you call them first. Caller ID said NAME NOT FOUND. Area code - international. Do not answer.

This is an automated message and possible scam that states your computer has serious problems. We added the number to the autoreject list. Suggest you do the same.

Robocall said my "computer was having serious problems and Press 1 for more information". I hung up. Caller ID said "International" 949-009-0301


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