PHONE NUMBER: 4253725305

(425) 372-5305 is a landline number operated by MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS located near Bellevue, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 8,224 searches and 31 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), debt (2 times), one ring (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

IF this is a legitimate company why not leave a message when they call?

This is RPM (Receivables Performance Management). It's a real debt collector, not a scam. Either you owe a debt (you might not even be aware of it), OR someone who had your phone number before you owes a debt, OR someone used YOUR number to avoid being tracked down.

Calls repeatedly every day.. blocked...

No clue who this is but they call 3x a day. I never answer unknown numbers. They never leave messages. I blocked the number.

Calls SEVERAL times a day for weeks now. Everyday!!!!

Phone rings, I answer and nobody speaks. After a few seconds they hang up.

Phone rings, I answer ansome nobody answers. After a few seconds they hang up.

so annoying EVERY day and several times a day

they have called me several times over the past week. I finally answered today and just laid into them, cursing them left and right, after a minute and a half of doing that I finally got an oh wow, good morning. plus my name is very simple to pronounce and you would think I was from another country.

Telemarketers!!! I called three times to get my name removed and they hang up each time!

Its a scammer saying hes from some debt collecting company but tries to make it a legit governments name Calls every day multiple times ever since i answered it


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