PHONE NUMBER: 3122914832

(312) 291-4832 is a landline number operated by AMERITECH ILLINOIS located near Chicago, Illinois.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,436 searches and 25 comments identifying with this number.


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Called at 7:15 am. Caller said there was a problem with my computer. I told him he was lying because he had no clue about my computer. Then then cussed me out with terrible cuss words. I then hung up. This number will be blocked forever.

Saying they had information about my windows 10. Man with heavy accent- rude and wouldn't let me talk to supervisor. Accusing me of "arguing" when i ask him to take me off of calling list.

312-291-4832. Called at 7:47 and woke us up. I've been ill for several months. It is annoying and maddening when you are on the do not call list and you still receive a call. Worse when they call before the legal hours of 8am to 9pm. Will be blocking the number. Needed to vent...

Same type of call turned out to be computer hackers do not awnser or let them access ur computer!!

Caller says they are calling in regard to my computer problems. I don't have any. A woman called yesterday at 9 am and a man at 3 pm. This is harassment!


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