PHONE NUMBER: 3109330184

(310) 933-0184 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Los Angeles, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,784 searches and 30 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (7 times), scam (4 times), recorded message (2 times), internal revenue service (1 time), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Call them back and ask for Kevin Johns then just tell him to go f*** himself. My call finally ended when one of them told me to fold the paper in half and cram it up my ass.

Call them back, they want you to drive to the store and wire money to the "IRS" to fix the issue. I've been trolling these guys for like 30 min.

scam!!!!! they're trying to get $$ from you.

They left a scam message, seriously? Recorded message that the IRS is out to get me, or whatever, blocked the number. Predatory idiots.

I just got a message from Speak and Spell from the1980's saying there was a lawsuit and to call back immediately. I did and it sounded like wall street in the background. A woman answered and I think she purposely mumbled the company name when she answered. I asked her "what is the name of your company?" She replied "What?" I asked again "What is the name of your company?".....and surprise, she hung up on me. I tried to call the number back again to pester them, but can't get through all of a sudden? Definitely a scam.

call from fake IRS, confirmed. They call themselves "Internal Revenue Services" - first tipoff that something is off. Yeah, impersonating the IRS - the winner of this year's Darwin Award is...

Recorded message stating from IRS. Do not reapond!

IRS lawsuit scam voicemail left

I reported this telephone number to the IRS fraud unit. I'd love to see the IRS go after them.

Robo Call twice saying that it is the IRS and they are going to sue me.

ya, got call from this number. Seems the IRS has a "lawsuit" and if I do not call this number...blah blah blah.

Robo call that said there was a "case" against me and to call them back in reference to the case to prevent further action. Left a case # and call back #. Did not state what kind of "case."

Claims to be internal revenue and that they are filing a suit.

Call from fake IRS


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