PHONE NUMBER: 2026837463

(202) 683-7463 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,241 searches and 30 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: recorded message (2 times), IRS (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Got a recording that I was under Federal Investergation and to call back right away. I called and got a recording from an A. H. Named David.. I must have called this jerk 40 times and said David,come on call me back and let me know what I owe if I owe anything witch I do not own anyone one a dime.. I called today to let him know he will be caught by the FED'S.. The phone company is aiding and abetting this number and a under federal investergation. Please get I touch with your congressman and file a complaint as well as the FTC#####

I received the same automated call 3 times this week. Stating its a Investiga5o. Me, my name and physical location and that if I didn't respond they would download my file to the court system

Got a call, left a message,same thing everyone's talking about,don't know what it is,but I don't answer my phone if I don't know who it is,but they need to be reported until somethings done!

State investigator giving me my last chance before the case is opened. Was a pre-recorded message telling me I had to call back to stop the proceedings.

Same message as above. Can't t they be stopped. What if some elderly person get this call

Same message as above. I am reporting this to the local police department and the FBI

I got 3 calls from this number and every time I answered they would hang the phone up. I called the number back and some guy (who did not give me his name) told me I owe the IRS money and he was sending the police to my home to arrest me however I am underage and I've never dealt with the IRS in my life. Then he proceeded to ask for my name and social so I hung up the phone.

I recieved the call and on my caller ID showed an international prefix with that number, but said the call was from Egypt. Declined the call and heard the same recorded message but with a Wahington DC area code, same number. I'm simply blocking that phone number.

Got this message on my work phone number. Female voice recording, sounding very official. "There is a Federal Case against you, you must call this number back...."

"State Investagation Dept" They have a legal Federal case against me,my ID & physical location. If i don't call back NOW they will DOWNLOAD it to the courthouse. Pre- recorded, no knowledge of my name or any particulars......


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