PHONE NUMBER: 118557026044

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 41 searches and 2 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 1 User marked it as Harassing, and 1 User marked it as Dangerous


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Recording stating the call was for someone named Wayne. Also said they had made numerous attempts to come to my house on behalf of their client. It said to push 1 to leave a statement. I pushed 1 . When it was answered the man said, Pay Ark or something like that. I told him that he was calling the wrong number and to take me off his call list, He got very angry and started yelling that I would not tell him what to do, I hung up on him. He was very scary and he has called my cell phone several times.

Recording stating the call was for someone named Wayne. Also said they had made numerous attempts to come to my house on behalf of their client. It said to push 1 to leave a statement. I pushed 1 . When it was answered the man said, Pay Ark or something like that. I told him that he was calling the wrong number and to take me off his call list, He got very angry and started yelling that I would not tell him what to do, I hung up on him. He was very scary and he has called my cell phone several times.


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