PHONE NUMBER: 3232838795

(323) 283-8795 is a landline number operated by PACIFIC BELL located near Los Angeles, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 360 searches and 1 comment identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

People are calling from this number to commit fraud. They begin saying that you owe money from some books that were sent by FedEx and that you owe $20,000 of unpaid bills. All lies, as I never order books! It also seems that these people believe that the person that answers is somehow an illegal alien, as they try to talk to you in Spanish. They say that they know where you live, where you work, and somehow they know if you have children or not, and if you do not pay at least a fraction of what you owe, they will call Immigration and that they will assess your living conditions, and possibly take your children away from you. Also they will arrest you. So, you get instructions to gather some cash (a sum around $1,000) and drive to a local grocery store, where you are supposed to call them back when you arrive, so someone can come and get the money. So if you don't pay they will come to arrest you, but if you pay, that will buy you some time. So a while later, there is some "lawyer" from Immigration (or so they say) that calls and demands that you be ready with the money, and ask you when you can come with it to the store


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